Shinji Kagawa 'still frightened' after Borussia Dortmund bus attack

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KagawaImage source, Getty Images
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Shinji Kagawa scored Dortmund's second goal in a 3-2 defeat by Monaco, less than 24 hours after their bus was attacked

Borussia Dortmund midfielder Shinji Kagawa says he is "still frightened" after an attack on the Bundesliga team's bus on 11 April.

Three explosions hit the bus carrying Dortmund to their home Champions League quarter-final match against Monaco.

Defender Marc Bartra had an operation after breaking a bone in his wrist in the attack, with the game postponed until the following day.

"I'm afraid to get on the bus, I am afraid to drive to games," said Kagawa.

"I was frightened - and I am still frightened, to be honest," added the 28-year-old Japan player.

Investigators believe three explosive devices packed with metal pins were hidden in a hedge and set off as the bus passed.

Police charged a man identified only as Sergej W and investigators say the motive for the attack was financial and not terror-related.

"I was petrified," wrote Kagawa on his blog. "I looked back and saw the shattered window panes.

"I saw Marc Bartra curled up. Like everybody else, I was completely shaken."

The former Manchester United player said he and his team-mates "couldn't imagine" playing the rearranged first leg, which Dortmund lost 3-2.

"In my head was only the scenes from the bus and thoughts of the hellish detonation," he added.

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